"Shit. Fuck. Damn." The expression a friend of mine and I always used when something didn't quite go our way. It's a comical phrase, yet also very fitting for many experiences of life, especially as you grow older. Some of you reading this may already know me, my work, and my life. You may know of my books, my amazing daughter, my kilted husband, the charity and my zest for living. Others will be just getting to know me through this. In a nutshell, I'm a metaphysical philosopher, author and special needs mom, who talks to dead people. I also have cancer. Shit. Fuck. Damn.

I've decided to chronicle my experiences in a blog, as an effort to cope with my own feelings and help others along the way...or possibly offend others. However it works these days. I want to speak freely on my own website without the restrictions of the social networks. This isn't for likes or clicks or whatever the hell those companies keep track of these days. This is for me...and maybe for you, if you feel so inclined to join me.
I don't promise to post every day, yet will do my best to be an authentic representation of what I am experiencing...physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. My intuition and guidance from Spirit has been very active regarding my cancer so far. Not just with me, but with other colleagues and friends. It has been a tremendous help already. I thought others intrigued by the Spiritual and intuitive may be interested hearing about some of it. I am not trying to convert anyone to anything or challenge beliefs. You have yours and I have mine. If this doesn't interest you, please move along and find what does. Here's a disclaimer: No choice I make for myself is a recommendation for YOUR situation. This is ME sharing MY stuff and should never be taken as medical advice. You are not my clients. Hopefully, we can become friends.
As you can tell already, I'm a bit unconventional and sassy, yet full of Love and Hope. I am choosing to embrace the PINK of Breast Cancer as I enjoy the color, vibration and intention of the millions across the globe who choose it as a symbol of support for the cause. In 2011, I spent the entire year wearing the color white as a spiritual experiment. It had a profound impact on my life. I'll probably share more about that in future posts as all things seem to come full circle. Now in 2025, I have added a huge dose of the color pink to my wardrobe to assist in my own healing and support the millions of other breast cancer patients and survivors.
I do plan to share it all, as I go along. I was just formally diagnosed this past Monday by an impersonal pathology report on MyChart. Ugh. It's a good thing I already knew intuitively.
I'll leave it at that for post 1 and will be back soon. If you got this far, thank you for joining me and talk soon.
In Light,
Read Deb's full BIO at www.debsnyder.love
© 2025 by Debra Snyder, Mystic Bee. All Rights Reserved.